It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw, not because she is Canada but because she's something sublime that you were born into, some great rugged power that you are a part of.- Emily Carr

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Canadian Tire Money

Canadian Tire money was first introduced in 1958 and inspired to create by the president AJ Billes. When it first came out it was only able to use in participating Canadian tire gas bars, but with its popular demand and success it was expanded into all retail stores. Seems simple enough right? But how exactly does Canadian tire money work? When making purchases at any leading Canadian tire or gas bar CT money is given out with cash or debit purchases based on the pre- tax total. The rate of the money started out as 5% cash back but since has declined to 0.4% cash back. There were some issues with the loyalty program that is still causing some issues. In Ontario the retail sales tax law states that the "coupon must be reimbursed by, the franchisee". Canadian tire made a mistake though instead of sending the '' coupons'' to be reimbursed Canadian tire submitted them to other merchants which were in essence of breaking Ontario law. This issue has been an ongoing issue from the day Canadian tire was first introduced. The denominations of the money have changed numerous times in years. In 1958 it was composed of 5 different amounts, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 dollar. In 1962 the introduction of 4 lower values (1 - 4 cents) and 12 higher amounts including 35 and 60 cents. Numerous times the amounts were changed and added but the CTM that is currently produced is 5 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, one dollar and two dollar amounts. Every Canadian past and present knows Canadian tire money, every Canadian uses it. It was the greatest loyalty program Canadian tire could have done to bring another reason on why customers should shop there. Every Canadian reading this will agree at some point of their lives they have collected and used Canadian tire money. It’s been there all along and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere.  

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